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I am a lawyer and as such, I am constantly writing. I am passionate about writing and thus write beyond the confines of my clients' cases. I will use this blog to inform you about various topics, legal and non-legal alike, and I hope you enjoy the content!

Kellerman Law Firm: Excellence in Action

Posted by Unknown | Apr 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

In the world of legal battles and courtroom dramas, the name that stands out for its unyielding commitment to justice and unwavering dedication to its clients is Kellerman Law Firm. This team of legal eagles, mentored by Michael Kellerman, has time and again proven to be the beacon of hope for th...

Being a Lifelong Student and Teacher

Posted by Michael Kellerman | Mar 16, 2021 | 0 Comments

Being a lifelong student and teacher is a commitment that is continuously agreed and acted upon in my life. I don't just think about how nice it would be, but I literally go out of my way to learn and teach as often as possible. I am a Fellow of the Texas Bar College, whichis is objective proof of just my learning in the legal profession, not including what I do to learn in other subjects and disciplines. My ever-growing list of continuing legal education presentations and speeches is the embodiment of my calling to teach. I am a better lawyer for my clients because I am a lifelong student and teacher.

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We are committed to answering your questions and addressing your concerns.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you. We have dedicated hours each weekday and every Saturday for telephone consultations with potential clients and telephone calls and in-person meetings with current clients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
